Arguably James Blake’s most out-and-out dancefloor orientated work yet, ‘Before’ is a reminder of what we’re missing under lockdown.
Arriving at a point of revolution and upheaval, ‘RTJ4’ transforms Run The Jewels from rowdy rascals to spiritual soldiers.
Fresh from the release of their debut EP ‘Panic On’, Fudge. headlined the latest edition of #360RAW at the Lending Room.
‘Panic On’ serves as a clearing house for Leeds quartet Fudge.’s previous excellent singles.
Smokepurpp’s latest mixtape ‘Deadstar 2’ continues to mark him out as one of Florida’s finest new wave rappers.
More thematically consistent than the sonic grab-bag of ‘99.9%’, Kaytranada’s second album ‘Bubba’ is a more thorough exploration of his influences.
A compelling delve into the psyche of FKA twigs as well as an exploration of being human, ‘Magdalene’ is Tahliah Barnett’s second masterpiece.
In delivering a gospel album in ‘Jesus Is King’, Kanye West has divided audiences and critics in a way that only he can.
On their second full-length album ‘The Beast In The Blueprint’, Leeds-based freese trio turn vulnerability and anxiety into strength and virtue.
Although perhaps not as cutting-edge as ‘Atrocity Exhibition’, ‘uknowhatimsayin¿’ is Danny Brown’s most consistent effort.