David Longstreth shares the songwriting duties with his bandmates on the ‘5EPs’ project, and Dirty Projectors are a reborn creative force.
Hobbled by a very short run-time, Dirty Projectors’ latest EP ‘Windows Open’ feels slightly unsatisfying and insubstantial as we wait for a new album.
Out of step with the great majority of what passed for alternative rock in the late Noughties, ‘Bitte Orca’ by Dirty Projectors has quietly shaped the subsequent decade.
The best gigs coming up in Leeds this week, including Dirty Projectors, Kevin Morby and Pussy Riot.
After the harrowing self-doubt and heartbreak of ‘Dirty Projectors’, David Longstreth emerges into the light of hope and new love on ‘Lamp Lit Prose’.
Amber Coffman’s first solo album after leaving Dirty Projectors, ‘City Of No Reply’, is sadly far too polite and inoffensive to be memorable enough.
After five years of silence, David Longstreth delivers a break-up album of rare insight and unpretentious, interesting execution.