The medium of songwriting allows for expressive, concentrated statements of brilliance. In the span of (typically) just about three and a half minutes, talented artists are able to work through personal grievances, sociopolitical issues and frustrations, or just glorious pent-up teenage angst. 2017 has certainly seen no shortage of fantastic songs – narrowing down our series of monthly new music playlists and keeping it to just 50 tracks was a pained and controversial task involving much gnashing of teeth and locking of horns, even, and perhaps even more so, after establishing a restriction of one song per artist. So, what you’re about to read is a (possibly futile) attempt to categorise a whole year of new music into just one, overall list.
Following our Albums of the Year feature earlier this month, here’s The Student Playlist’s Top 50 Tracks of 2017 – with a Spotify playlist of all the tracks here!
Tags: Ed Biggs, Ellie Wolf, feature, staff list, The Top 50 Tracks of 2017
Currently studying Mathematics and Music at Leeds University. Generally a fan of all things musical, cultural, and pretentious. Values aesthetic way too much.
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