Ellie, I’m surprised that you seem to think this record is “sincere” while the Muse record is “cynical”. We must have very different definitions of those words. To me, the Muse record, even if you think it’s shit, at least sounds like they had fun making it. They felt like making an 80s synthpop / Vangelis / John Carpenter tribute about simulated reality and did it. Meanwhile, this expressly-made-for-Pitchfork The 1975 vehicle sounds to me like a generic boy band trying desperately to “elevate” their vaguely One Direction pop rock by infusing it with a good dollop of navelgazing, handwringing neuroticism. At least Muse have pretty much always done their own thing without paying attention to “fitting in” with a certain movement, instead of desperately aiming to be the “voice of a generation”. “Sincerity Is Scary” is a song title a Babyboomer would come up with to ruthlessly mock Millennial culture . And the lyrics of their “anthem” aren’t much better. “Modernity has failed us.” Really? I’d even take random, forced references to drones over this dude’s Twitter deepities that sound like they’ve been crafted with the express purpose of getting laid with some social studies chick. The only band that is even more paint-dryingly and life force-drainingly dull than this lot is The National, the musical equivalent of clinical depression resistant to electroshock therapy.. As a Millennial myself I’d like to distantiate myself from this never-ending self-inflicted neuroticism. Who the fuck cares “what comes after Postmodernism”? Who the fuck gives a shit about what metalevel of irony or sincerity they are currently inhabiting? How is this a conundrum to anyone who has ever bothered to log out from Twitter, put down their copy of “Infinite Jest” and just stare at the wall and be alone with their own thoughts for two minutes? “Trying to be sincere” is the kind of contradictio in terminis that only people who care too much about the opinion of music critics fall into. If Freddie Mercury had been this much of a neurotic self-conscious wreck, he’d have titled Bohemian Rhapsody “Ballet for the Masses” and it would have been shit instead of awesome. I hope his corpse is resurrected so that he can slap some sense into this Healy character and sell out Wembley for the third time. Reply